Most elderly people prefer to live at home — but this can be dangerous. Can wifi sensing help?
An aging population is rooted in some amazing changes, like rocketing life expectancy and a decreasing mortality rate. But it presents us with a challenge
fielded some wonderful pitches and the successful startups are now getting started.
We had so many special guests, including Deutsche Telekom ’s XR Lead Sven von Aschwege, Deutsche Telekom’s business development XR Lead Elmar Schrage, Qualcomm Technologies’ director of product management Steve Lukas, Qualcomm Technologies’ senior director of Product Management Hugo Swart, Lenovo’s AR/VR Business Development Manager Nassima Filali, and the CEO of Volucap, Sven Bliedung von der Heide. They gave the audience a deep dive into the program and shared their vision about the XR technology industry.
But ultimately, the speakers the audience was most excited about seeing talk were the incredible startups taking part in the program. Our 11 startup developer teams stood up and introduced themselves and their ideas — from the sounds of things, every sector from music (PatchXR) to science (3DforScience) to theme parks(Spree Interactive) is set to be revolutionized via augmented reality.
The Snapdragon Spaces program will take place over four months. We’re hoping to fuel innovation transfer for these startups, giving participants access to a truly global market and helping them take their idea to the next level.