Most elderly people prefer to live at home — but this can be dangerous. Can wifi sensing help?
An aging population is rooted in some amazing changes, like rocketing life expectancy and a decreasing mortality rate. But it presents us with a challenge
Mario Bodemann, who is the first Developer Evangelist at Deutsche Telekom, puts it: “The portal follows a strict developer centric approach. Here you will find everything you need, such as information about a certain API, a cost breakdown and, of course, the possibility to subscribe to and be able to call the API reliably.”
Regular acquisition of user feedback and continuous observation of the use of developer tools and the APIs themselves will provide the necessary data points to continually improve consumer experience. Thus, research has been part of T Developers since day one. Our research team conducted both quantitative and qualitative developer community research and led usability tests of the platform in various stages of its development.
The same goes for API incubation, where again research is a part of an end-to-end API development process within three major phases: API Discovery, API Incubation, and API Validation.
Mario Bodemann: “As we developers know, it’s hard sometimes that people create something without considering us, right? But here we make the difference – we focus on you, the developers. We ask you what your developer use case is, without developing away from you.”
What you can currently see is a preview of the full-blown portal which will be launched later this year. The full T Developers Portal will provide developers with secure, well-documented and supported products which will let you easily integrate Deutsche Telekom services into their apps. The current version already offers a number on interesting use cases for the SMS API and the Calls API, so go check it out: